DJ Grigg Brand Identity

Client: DJ Grigg
DJ Grigg are a professional accounting firm located in Traralgon, Victoria. They are a well known, reputable brand which is highly trusted in the region they work within, and approached Redsteps to create a DJ Grigg brand identity to accurately represent their business.


Brand Identity Overview:
After being taken on by new partners, DJ Grigg needed to refresh their brand identity to remain relevant with their current audience. In addition, they team at DJ Grigg also wanted to send the right message when reaching out to new clients; The message that DJ Grigg are a professional, friendly and hard working firm.


Works Completed:

Redsteps created a new brand identity and marketing strategy for the business which included:

  • Assessment of the business to gain a great understanding of who they are and what they want their brand to represent and portray
  • Overview on the marketing activities they should be completing and strategies on how DJ Grigg can implement those strategies and tactics
  • An overview of the industry, competitors, local demographics and customer analysis
  • Logo and graphic design research
  • New logo creation
  • New collateral designed for employees including business cards and letter heads etc.
  • Creation of promotional artwork such as flyers to generate customer leads


Overall the client was very satisfied with the work presented to them by the Redsteps team.


What is the Importance of Brand Identity? 

Having a strong brand identity is important for a business as it is a visual representation of who you are and what you stand for and provide your customers. This can be portrayed through the brand name, imagery, colour and fonts. Each of these elements allows for customers to look at your business and immediately get a strong impression of you.

For example: DJ Grigg’s logo uses a strong and more traditional font. In addition, the logo also incorporates gold hues and warmer gold colours while also using a darker grey to compliment the golden colours used. These elements highlight the business is dependable, reliable and offer a quality service. These colours and fonts are suitable for their industry; finance and accounting, however, also eludes to their top quality services with the inclusion of the gold. Overall, this logo leave viewers with a great first impression of DJ Grigg’s financial business.


Branding and Design, Marketing Strategy